Assignment 2: due Sept 18
Complete activities 1 (TCRMP Fish) and 3 (Coral Growth). Save completed activity 1 script as
and save completed activity 3 script asYOURLASTNAME_LABASSIGNMENT2_CORAL.R
. Email scripts to me (as separate attachments, do not send as sharepoint links) before 10 am on Sept 18. Each script is worth 4 points.IMPORTANT: Before turning in-
check that you followed the instructions for each specific activity and answered all questions
check that you followed all instructions for the scripts you write in this lab.
clear your environment, run each script line by line to make sure there are no errors and it produces the desired outputs (I cant grade what I cant see that you did!)
My office hours are thursday 930-1230 in MSC 216 if you need help - bring specific questions