
This week we are going to be doing some more R practice , learn more about data types and how to set up data frames, and get introduced to hypothesis testing in R.

swirl tutorials

if you get through lab today and are still confused, make sure you have completed the swirl tutorials.

R Programming

  • 1: Basic Building Blocks

  • 2: Workspace and Files

  • 7: Matrices and Data Frames


  • 1: Manipulating Data with dplyr (there is a warning at the beginning but you can ignore that)

  • 2: Grouping and Chaining with dplyr

  • 3: Tidying Data with tidyr

Each lesson will take you about 15 minutes – for a total estimated 1.5 hours. We are going to continue rolling with the content, and this skill is best reinforced through working through it on your own.

Here are the commands to install the swirl tutorials and the courses and start them. It should be fairly self explanatory after that.

# swirl practice
# install.packages("swirl)
install_from_swirl(course_name ="Getting_and_Cleaning_Data")
swirl() # to start swirl

# complete R Programming lesson
# 1: Basic Building Blocks
# 2: Workspace and Files        
# 7: Matrices and Data Frames   

# complete Getting_and_Cleaning_Data 
# 1: Manipulating Data with dplyr
# 2: Grouping and Chaining with dplyr 
# 3: Tidying Data with tidyr